Are you feeling helpless, vulnerable, misunderstood, lost, unable to cope with a situation in your life?
Would you like to understand yourself and take back control of what is troubling you in your life?
I am here to help

Human connection is essential to good therapy
Building a strong therapeutic relationship where you feel safe, heard and understood is essential, so we can begin processing each difficulty that overwhelms you.
We’ll find ways together for you to move forward and thrive, to make choices that are right for you…
to become the best version of yourself.
How mental health can manifest in our lives
Life can be so difficult and overwhelming, not being able to function and heaping blame onto ourselves for that feeling. We can get stuck in a place where we can’t seem to move forward or never see an end to these feelings.
The following are just a fraction of the questions and mental health issues I work through with my clients…
- Why can’t I find the energy to move, go out and don’t feel I am living my life?
- Why is hiding away from everyone easier, even the people I most love?
- Why can’t I seem to tell anyone how I really feel?
- Why and how is depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and lack of self-worth controlling my life and making me react in ways I don’t understand that seem out of my control?
- Why do I react the way I do and make decisions, only to regret them later?
- Why do I choose our relationships and friendships only to find I have repeated bad past experiences?
- Why do I lose my temper and shout at people/family I love?
- Is there a possibility that I can change where I am in my life, and learn how to gain clarity, peace, and calm?

“Everyone is unique. In a safe, non-judgemental, warm environment we can gently begin to understand the ‘whys’ together and the many more questions that are unique to you.”
What kind of problems can counselling help me with?
- Depression
- Anxiety and stress
- Trauma
- Abuse
- Bereavement and loss
- Relationship difficulties
- Divorce
- Health issues
- Major life changes
- Addiction
- Anger
- Carer responsibilities
- Eating disorders
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- Redundancy and work issues
- Sexuality
- Worry
“Anything that troubles you, please feel free to ring me and discuss what is worrying you – I am here to listen and help.”